Attorney General Nominee Kris Mayes Vows to Assist and Protect Arizona’s Senior Citizens

Arizona Attorney General Nominee Kris Mayes and her opponent Abe Hamadeh took time recently to respond to questions of concern to Arizona Senior Citizens in a series of four question-and-answer social media posts sponsored by AARP.

Ms. Mayes responded to questions regarding protecting:

  • elders from abuse, neglect, and exploitation.
  • senior citizens in long-term care facilities.
  • senior citizens from consumer fraud and unfair business practices.

Among Ms. Mayes’s comments were:

Properly and thoroughly investigating all complaints in a prompt manner is critical. As your next Attorney General, I plan to hold statewide in-person office hours just as I did when I served on the Arizona Corporation Commission so I can hear directly from the people. I also plan to partner with organizations such as AARP, Area Agency on Aging, Foundation for Senior Living, and others to provide education and resources both in person and virtually to help increase public awareness of the issue (elder abuse.)”

“As your next Attorney General, I will aggressively prosecute elder abuse and advocate for more funding from the legislature…I will create and lead a statewide task force to put a spotlight on this critical issue...I’ll work with DHS to increase public transparency so people can make informed decisions about their own or their loved ones long-term care.”

“As your next AG, I vow to investigate and prosecute these con artists (who scam vulnerable senior citizens) and will restore the funding to do so…I have made this one of my core issues because the AG’s office received 15,000 complaints in 2021 and fraud losses increased by more than 70 percent nationally last year, disproportionately affecting seniors. Arizonans rely on the AG’s office to protect them and I plan to do just that.”

“(We will) utilize a consumer fraud telephone tip line making it easier for seniors to report scams quickly. I will also create a fraud task force with experts from internet security, senior advocates and organizations, banking, and law enforcement to develop additional tools and resources to combat fraud in Arizona. In addition, I will fully restore the consumer fraud and protection fund that was gutted by our current Attorney General.”



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