What Do We Mean When We Say ‘Freedom’?

What is freedom? What does it mean? What does it entail?  Merriam-Webster defines freedom as “the absence of necessity, coercion, or constraint in choice or action”.  Do we gain freedom by denying the freedoms of others?  I don’t believe so, but if “freedom” becomes an opinion more than an American ideal, we see the word freedom … Read more

Our Budget Should Be an Investment in Arizonans’ Future

The “skinny” budget presented by Arizona Republicans narrowly failed to pass this week. It’s basically a re-write of the 2022 budget, with little to no additional investment except for $200 million due to public schools in return for ESA voucher expansion. Said vouchers, over time, will actually remove millions more from already under-funded public schools.  … Read more

Arizona Freedom Caucus’ position on suspending AEL parallels D.C. Republican House position on raising Debt Ceiling

Arizona Freedom Caucus’ reluctance to suspend the Aggregate Expenditure Limit (AEL) closely resembles D.C. House Republicans’ reluctance to raise the Debt Ceiling.  Is it pure coincidence? Or, is it indicative of a nationwide effort of a Republican plan to obstruct Democrats’ efforts to help support working families and fully fund our public schools? The later … Read more