Village Idiots Storm the Arizona Board of Education Meeting over Proposed New Sex Education Guidelines.

Some facts to consider when considering a Sex Education and Health Awareness Program in either a Public Traditional District or Charter School: According to the Anne E. Casey 2019 Kids Count Report, Arizona ranks 32nd among the 50 states with regards to incidents of teen pregnancy with 22 out of a 1000 young ladies aged … Read more

Arizona Ranks 46th in Child Well Being and Arizonans should be sick about that.

The Anne E. Casey Foundation released its annual Child Well Being Findings and ranked the states according to how well children were cared for according to: Economic Well Being Education Health Family and Community Sadly, Arizona ranks 46th out of the 50 states in safeguarding children’s safety and interests. The Grand Canyon State only fared … Read more

Is Joe Biden Naive about Republicans?

All Americans should hope Joe Biden is right about his ability to forge consensus with Republicans and strike deals with them and his fellow Democrats if he becomes President in 2021. Democracy can not succeed when one of its main political parties has become backward and is the beacon of warring against good government. Unfortunately, … Read more

(UPDATED) A Conversation with Democratic Congressional Six District Candidate Stephanie Rimmer

Arizona Congressional District Six, despite ethically embattled Republican incumbent David Schweikert’s arrogant hubris contention to the Arizona Mirror, is in play for a potential Democratic pickup in 2020. Currently, there are four well-qualified Democrats vying to run against Schweikert in 2020. The first is 2018 CD Six nominee Antia Malik. The second is 2018 CD … Read more