Do not let the Border Centers become the next Abu Ghraib

The situation at our Southern border is horrific. Innocent people who want to escape hardship and cruelty in their home countries and achieve the American Dream, and even those who have crossed into our country illegally, are being denied adequate and timely due process and subjected to harsh treatment that most thought was confined to … Read more

The Case of Jean Norris-Wilhelm: Why Americans need High Quality and Affordable Universal Health and Long Term Care

Jean Norris-Wilhelm has led a happy life. She has been a successful Math teacher with over twenty years of experience. She is a mother and has a good marriage with her wife Kathy. Together, they like to garden, hike, camp, entertain friends, and get involved in civic affairs. Unfortunately, Jean, who is now 58, was … Read more

While this country celebrates its Independence, Arizona’s Republican House Members vote NOT to secure our national elections.

It has been quite a reactionary couple of weeks for the four members of Arizona’s Republican House Delegation. In unison, Andy Biggs, Paul Gosar, Debbie Lesko, and David Schweikert all thought the best way to protect our federal election system was to vote against measures designed to secure them. Hopefully, their constituents will have an … Read more

Call to Action: Defeat Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell in 2020 and Prosecute them in 2021.

One of the questions asked of the Democratic Presidential Candidates last Wednesday and Thursday was how they would deal with Grim Reaper/Enemy of the People Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell if the Republicans retained control of the Senate in 2021. No one, except Colorado Senator Michael Bennet, gave a forceful answer to that question. McConnell … Read more