Moving Forward: Unity and Encouraging Talent is Key to Victory for LD 18

Planning for the next major elections in 2020 cannot wait until 2020. It actually started for most Legislative District (LD), County, State, and National Party Apparatuses in December 2018 and January 2019. At the LD level, organizational officers are either reelected or elected. Precinct Committeemen and Captains are asked to stay on while others are … Read more

Has Democratic Phoenix Mayoral Candidate Daniel Valenzuela gone to the Republican Side?

  There is a scene in the movie “Legends of the Fall” (yeah the one with Brad Pitt) where the eldest son, Alfred Ludlow (portrayed by Aidan Quinn) comes to his father William’s (played by Anthony Hopkins) ranch with several local officials to ask for his blessing in his run for Congress in Montana. The … Read more

How Dare the KKK endorsed candidate accuse the Democrats of being the Anti Israel and Jewish Party

How stupid does the Popular Vote Loser and KKK endorsed candidate think the American People are? On the White House Lawn this morning (March 8), the President called the House Resolution condemning hate in all forms “disgraceful.” He then went on to accuse the Democrats of becoming Anti Israel and Anti Jewish Party. This is coming from … Read more

Filibuster Reform and Court Expansion may be necessary in 2021

While not being presumptuous of a Democratic victory across the board in 2020, Progressive and Centrist Democrats need to ask themselves the question “If we win, where are the votes to enact our progressive programs?” The History of the last 25 years provides some lessons Progressive and Centrist Democrats need to pay heed to if … Read more

Loaded Firearms allowed in vehicles at Public Schools! What can go wrong?

Did Arizona Legislators who voted to allow loaded weapons to be stored in vehicles on public school property ever see the signs on these campuses that say weapon or gun (along with drug) free zone? Have they learned anything after decades of school shootings across the country? This is not about preserving second amendment rights or … Read more