Not “shocked, shocked” that the KKK-Endorsed Trump doesn’t think White Nationalist Terror is on the Rise

There is a famous scene in the movie classic Casablanca where the Prefect of Police, portrayed wonderfully by Claude Rains, closes Humphrey Bogart’s (Rick Blaine’s) bar, saying he “was shocked, shocked that gambling is going on here,” to appease the Nazis while at the same time collecting his evening winnings. Sadly, people should not be … Read more

Rep. Leach’s Interference in Tempe Initiative a “waste of taxpayers resources”

LD 11 State Senator Vince Leach will not leave Tempe alone, which is odd because he does not represent Tempe or live anywhere near that city. He has challenged Tempe residents twice in the last two years. In November 2017, then State Representative Leach filed a 1487 complaint against Tempe regarding the city’s use of … Read more

We Are Better Than This

A short time ago, an 18-year-old girl slashed a tire on a man’s SUV at the Paradise Valley Mall. When caught and arrested for this crime, she said she vandalized the vehicle because there was a red MAGA hat on his car dashboard. We are better than this. Progressives do not need help from people … Read more

Kate Gallego is the Mayor-Elect of the fifth largest city in the United States.

A 17-month campaign to become the next Mayor of Phoenix ended with a decisive runoff victory for former Phoenix Councilmember, now Mayor-Elect Kate Gallego. With her opponent former Phoenix Councilmember Daniel Valenzuela conceding defeat, Mayor-Elect Gallego will formally succeed Representative Greg Stanton who resigned to run for Congress last year. A 37-year-old New Mexico native, a graduate of Wharton and … Read more

Moving Forward: Unity and Encouraging Talent is Key to Victory for LD 18

Planning for the next major elections in 2020 cannot wait until 2020. It actually started for most Legislative District (LD), County, State, and National Party Apparatuses in December 2018 and January 2019. At the LD level, organizational officers are either reelected or elected. Precinct Committeemen and Captains are asked to stay on while others are … Read more