Expenditure Limit Will Devastate Public Schools

The potential nuclear bomb to public education was created 40+ years ago. It is about to go off – and the effects will be devastating, crippling, and have an enormous impact on our students, teachers, schools and districts, and community. When the Aggregate Expenditure Limit amendment (AEL) was passed in 1980, the world of public education was … Read more

Lesson from a teacher: Vote YES on Prop. 208, Invest In Ed

Back in 2008-2009, Arizona was slammed by the impact of our national recession. Leaders had to determine the best and most efficient ways of balancing our state budget. Our governor, Doug Ducey, decided to put this massive load on the backs of our children and teachers. Public education – both K-12 and higher education – … Read more

The Most Effective Technique for Campaigning During the Pandemic

We can agree that we are all on the same page regarding turning Arizona Blue during the November 2020 general election. Now, the big question is how are we going about getting this done? During unusual, unorthodox, and never-before-seen times and circumstances, we have to move far past the comfort we usually work/volunteer/reside in, into … Read more