The Immigration Issue in Arizona

A Blog For Arizona Exclusive Ed. – I’m pleased to present readers with a guest essay from Karl Reiner. Karl recently published a great guest opinion in the Arizona Daily Star about the issue of immigration. I thought it was insightful and well-reasoned, but far too short. I asked Mr. Reiner if he would be … Read more

Coyote Carnival

The Coyote Carnival is coming again at the begining of April. The Coyote Carnival is an guest-edited compilation of the best of Arizona’s many blogs. The mission of the Coyote is to help popularize the many great blogs produced by Arizona’s people. This month’s editor is Arizona journalist Temple Stark, who blogs at and … Read more

Un Gigante Despierta

Link: Largest Protest Ever in Los Angeles. Link: Biggest Protests in Chicago History. The GOP’s anti-immigrant rhetoric and policy proposals may be awakening a sleeping giant of the American electorate. Latinos have consistently been less engaged in politics than average, as measured by voter registration and turn-out. The GOP’s punative proposals for immigration, such as … Read more