Know-Nothing Ron Drake

Ron Drake has apparently settled upon his campaign slogan in his uphill fight against incumbent Raul Grijalva, "We Can Do Better!" Just don’t ask Ron how. As of this writing his page on "The Issues!" still says only check back soon. Wow. I gotta say I’m inspired. It’s clear that what Ron is saying to … Read more

Richard A. Clarke’s “The Scorpion’s Gate”

I just finished reading “The Scorpion’s Gate” by former Terrorism Czar, and every Democrat’s favorite Republican, Richard A. Clarke. I cannot say that it was the best fiction I’ve read. It suffered far too much of the novice story-teller’s fault of filling in the gaps in the reader’s knowledge with unrealistic expository dialog which the … Read more

Graf, Tancredo, and Buchanan: Tres Banditos en Tucson

TombayTom Tancredo (R – CO) and Bay Buchanan (sister of Pat Buchanan, director of the American Cause, and the manager of Pat’s Presidential campaigns) came to Tucson on Friday in support of Randy Graf’s unending campaign for Congress in CD8. The Bay and Tom show isn’t just a one-off for Graf’s benefit though, it is a national tour called the "Secure America Now" tour. Sound familiar? It should. It taps into the same issues and supporters that Arizona’s "Protect Arizona Now" initiative did. At the breakfast one could find many of the same people who worked on PAN, not the least of which was Randy Graf himself.

"Secure America Now" is the road show for Team America, a Political Action Committee
dedicated to border issues founded by Tom and Bay. Only by
understanding the significance of the SAN tour and the history of the
Buchanans in American politics does the full significance of the tour’s
stop in Tucson really have a useful context. Randy Graf is only a small part of the story.

Bill O’Reilly Goatses Vermont

Bill O’Reilly demanded Vermonters deliver the head of a Vermont judge or face economic armageddon. He claims that what he ignorantly considers a lenient sentence requires impeachment of the judge involved. All of Vermont certainly should be annoyed, nay, cheesed at O’Lielly. That’s one state that Bill has offended irrevocably, now if we can just … Read more