PDA open primaries debate: Emotion vs Facts

 by Pamela Powers Hannley More than 60 Southern Arizonans turned out last night to hear two UA profs politely duked out the open primaries question in a debate sponsored by the Progressive Democrats of American (PDA) Tucson Chapter.  Before an attentive crowd, former State Representative (and self-proclaimed recovering politician) Ted Downing (below) argued for open primaries. … Read more

Carmona on SB1070 and the Supremes

by Pamela Powers Hannley This week's Supreme Court and Senate debates/hearings on Arizona's infamous SB1070 anti-immigrant have been a real eye-opener. If you haven't been paying attention, here are a few stories… Russell Pearce: I 'Absolutely' Believe Romney Called SB 1070 A 'Model' SB 1070: Supreme Court Appears To Favor Arizona On Controversial Immigration Law … Read more

UNIDOS Day of Action: Misinformation or pure propaganda?

by Pamela Powers Hannley Regardless of the cause, spreading misinformation to pump up emotions is not right. OK, call me a Pollyanna in a fact-free universe, but I still believe in telling the truth. UNIDOS, the high school/university student group that supports the revival of now-defunct Mexican American Studies Program in Tucson Unified School District … Read more

War on Women: AZ Legislature fuels the fire

by Pamela Powers Hannley In 2010 and 2011, the Arizona Legislature led the way for crazy extremist laws against immigrants and brown people in general. Changing their focus slightly, the Arizona Legislature decided to victimize women during the 2012 session. Not to be left out of the nationwide War on Women, legislators proposed multiple bills … Read more

American boys have a romp in Cartagena: So what else is new?

by Pamela Powers Hannley A few years ago, I ignored the travel advisories from the US government and relatives back in Ohio and took an adventure vacation to Colombia. Traveling with friends and family, our trip included a stays in Bogota, Cartagena, Playa Blanca, and Bucaramunga. Our days in sunny, historic Cartagena–the seaside hometown of … Read more