Bernie Sanders on Austerity: From Greece to Puerto Rico to Arizona? (video)

#ThisIsACoup hashtag gains popularity.
#ThisIsACoup hashtag refers to Greece’s indebtedness to European banks.

On Democracy Now today, Amy Goodman reported on an economic panel assembled by Vermont Senator and Democratic Presidential Candidate Bernie Sanders.

Goodman excerpted a section of Sanders’ speech on the failure of austerity policies in Greece and around the world. He said that although his comments focused primarily on Greece (and Puerto Rico), “Governments around the world are struggling with too much debt and too much inequality…

“Five years of cruel and counterproductive austerity policies… have left the people of Greece with a full-blown humanitarian crisis. In my view, there is no more obvious example of the failure of austerity policies than what is going on in Greece,” Sanders continued. Watch the Democracy Now clip below.

Sen. Bernie Sanders: From Greece to Puerto Rico, the Financial Rules Are Rigged to Favor the 1%

It’s time to break this web of debt that Wall Street, the European Banks, the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, and the other players in the international banking cartel have on us.

If you want to learn more, I highly recommend this book. It is eye-opening!
The Web of Debt: The Shocking Truth About Our Money System and How We Can Break Free

Also these related blog posts…
Greek Financial Crisis: The Cruelty of Austerity & The Warning for US
Essential Reading on What Wall Street Costs America
This Graphic Shows Disturbing Levels of Economic Insecurity

Remember… Austerity is a lie. There is plenty of money. The problem is that it is invested in Wall Street and not Main Street.

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