Countdown to the Health Insurance Marketplace

Posted by AzBlueMeanie:

3It is incriminating headlines such as this that demonstate the abject failure of the corporate media to inform and educate the public. This is a national disgrace. Three-quarters
of the uninsured don’t know when Obamacare starts

So says the Kaiser Family Foundation in a poll conducted in mid-September, a few weeks before the Affordable Care Act's new marketplaces open for enrollment.

Twelve percent of the uninsured knew that the marketplaces would open on
Oct. 1, just three days from now. An additional 14 percent guessed that
it would start sometime in 2013 or 2014. The majority, though — and
this held true for the general population as well — just didn't know
when the programs kick in, or declined to guess.

Of course, Sarah Kliff, like all Beltway media villagers, blames the White House for not "hyping" the Affordable Care Act enough. Are you effin' kidding me? The Obama Administration has had a multimedia campaign in place for years. If the media has not received this information, it is because they chose not to receive it.

it is the corporate media, which chooses to report on conflict between Republicans and Democrats in Congress rather than providing factual information with which to inform and educate the public who are at fault. (It is amazing to me how the media can always absolve itself of any fault in any situation. There is no accountability.)

[The] people running these marketplaces — contend that knowing that the exchanges launch on Oct. 1 is
essentially meaningless for the people they're trying to reach. Those
people could sign up on Oct. 1 or Dec. 1 and still access exactly same
benefits under the health-care law, since coverage purchased on the
marketplaces doesn't start until January.

Many of the marketplace directors I talk to — alongside the White
House — say they're holding their advertising fire until after next
Tuesday. At that point, they will have an actual product to sell
consumers. Right now though, they can talk a whole lot about the law,
but can't give people the tools they need to buy coverage.

It is my understanding that the Arizona Daily Star will have a special insert in its Sunday edition tomorrow supposedly providing the public with the information it needs regarding the Arizona Health Insurance Marketplace. I will withhold criticism until I actually see it.