Surely these new AZ Reps will turn down that socialist, government run health care

by David Safier We've got a new crowd of "principled conservatives" from Arizona who are unpacking their jammies in their new Washington digs. They're not politicians. They mean what they say. They stick to their guns. And they hate "Obamacare." So I'm sure they'll turn down that socialist health care they get for being members … Read more

SB1070 Update: AZ clergy goes to D.C. to talk to McCain, others. The Star is silent.

by David Safier Why should I have to go to the LA Times to read about this? Arizona religious leaders seek delay of immigration law, bring appeal to Washington Framing the Arizona immigration situation as a "moral crisis," a group of seven Arizona religious leaders, including Catholic and Methodist bishops, descended Thursday on Capitol Hill … Read more

Grijalva’s Tucson, Yuma offices closed due to threats

by David Safier Some folks are upset enough about Grijalva's stand against Arizona's anti-immigration bill that, according to the Star, one person called “who threatened to go down there and blow everyone’s brains out then go to the border to shoot Mexicans.” The offices received "multiple death threats and threats of violence." Grijalva staffer Ruben … Read more