Giffords Gets $30 Million in SCAAP Funding Restored

Link: Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords gets SCAAP Funding Restored. SCAAP is the State Criminal Alien Assistance Program, which reimburses local law enforcement agencies for the cost of imprisoning undocumented aliens. You may remember the flap that Gov. Napolitano created by sending overdue bills to Washington for over $300 million in unpaid SCAAP reimbursements. Well, Gabby scored … Read more

Mitchell Seeks Cuts to Wealth Taxes

Link: Mitchell co-sponsors bill that aims to cut capital gains and estate tax. WTF is Mitchell thinking? Cutting Capital Gains and Estate taxes overwhelmingly benefits the wealthiest Americans, who need it least. Mitchell prattled about the ways in which these cuts would benefit the average person selling stock or a house, but completely ignored the … Read more