Untrustworthy Renzi… No Intel for You!

By now most have received the news that Rick Renzi is under investigation by a Tucson-based Grand Jury and that the FBI has raided his wife’s insurance business to seize records. This is really just the second shoe to drop, however. Most who have followed Renzi’s slimy trail for any length of time have been … Read more

New Squidoo Lens for AZ CD 8

I decided to try my hand at putting together a Squidoo Lens (a special site for bringing together internet resources into one page) for following the votes of Representative for CD 8 Gabrielle Giffords (D – AZ) and news and information about her. The result is online and I invite you to visit and shoot … Read more

Arizona Congressional Delegation’s Website Disclosures

Citizen journalists from the Sunlight Foundation evaluated congressional Web sites to determine whether they provided three kinds of information: Access to basic information on what our elected officials do in Congress (the bills they sponsor, the committees they serve on) information from or access to any of the legally-required disclosures they have to file (on … Read more

Second Renzi Federal Investigation Under Way

Quickly, people! We need a moniker to keep this thing sexy for the press. I vote for SwapGate (has the added benefit of an association with wife swapping). Let’s hear your suggestions. UPDATE 10/26: Let the backpedaling begin! As I feared, inconsistencies and distortions and innuendo in the breaking of the story has led the … Read more