Lupe Conchas understands the Basic Needs of the Students in the Alhambra School District

Lupe Conchas has been a community organizer in Maricopa County for the last several years primarily working on issues such as education, elections, and hunger. He is currently running for a seat on the Alhambra School District Governing Board. Mr. Conchas feels he can bring a real-world understanding to the board because he understands the … Read more

Please help get the Second Chance and Invest in Ed Initiatives on the November Ballot

Voters, if they have not already, have 13 days to sign petitions to get the Second Chance and Invest in Ed initiatives The Second Chance Initiative, if passed this November, would enable nonviolent prisoners to earn release credits towards leaving prison after serving 50 percent of their sentences, provide for sentencing reform for nonviolent offenders, … Read more

21 Days to Sign the Invest in Ed Petition; Please help Public Education in Arizona

There are only 21 days left to sign a petition to get the Invest in Ed Citizens Initiative on the November Ballot. If this measure is passed by voters in November, public schools in Arizona will receive a desperately needed infusion of funds that will go towards: Properly compensating instructors Recruiting counselors and school support … Read more

Where does the Outlaw Dirty Money Ballot Initiative go from here? A conversation with Terry Goddard

To get the Outlaw Dirty Money Ballot Initiative on the November Ballot, 357,000 valid signatures are needed because, if passed by the voters, the election results will necessitate a change to the Arizona State Constitution. Realistically, 400,000 signatures should probably be collected in case a portion of the signatories is declared invalid and ineligible. The … Read more