Should Democrats discuss only one issue when they Debate?

With 24 Democrats now running for the Democratic Parties nomination for President, debates will be starting on June 26 and 27. Per rules set up by the Democratic National Committee (DNC), potentially up to ten candidates will appear on the first night. It is possible up to ten others will appear the next evening. The … Read more

Gov. Ducey signs GOP bill to restrict your constitutional right to citizens initiatives and referendum

The authoritarianism of the Arizona GOP and their corporate masters in the Arizona chambers of commerce know no bounds. Ever since voters successfully forced the legislature to withdraw an elections “reform” bill several years ago before voters could vote on a referendum to repeal the offending law, the Arizona GOP has since enacted every provision, … Read more

Is it time for Invest in Ed 2.0?

Arizona Public Schools did receive a boost in funding in the state budget passed last week by the Arizona Legislature (with only Republican votes) and signed by Governor Ducey. Does this boost in funding fully satisfy all public school needs for the 2019/20 school year? No, it does not. Apparently, Republicans felt a close to … Read more

Democrats react to the Republicans sacrificing fully funding Schools and other priorities on the Altar of Tax Cuts.

As Laurie Roberts of Az Central points out, good legislation did come out of the Arizona State Legislature with regards to measures on giving rights to child rape victims, texting while driving. ELL instruction, AIDs education programs, reforming health care facilities so no more Hacienda horror stories occur, and a much-needed drought plan with neighboring … Read more