The Arizona Ground Game Wants You to Know What You are Voting For

There is nothing more important during an election cycle than ensuring that voters are fully informed of the background, campaign positions, and the pros and cons of supporting either a candidate or ballot initiative. All public servants, regardless of political persuasion, should embrace this attitude. Sadly, that is not always the case as some political … Read more

Elections have consequences: Virginia poised to ratify the ERA Amendment (Updated)

The results of Tuesday’s election in Virginia in which Democrats completed taking full control of the states legislative chambers, after taking full control of statewide offices two years ago, may have far-reaching consequences for the nation. Amanda Marcotte at Salon explains that Virginia going blue means there could be 38 states completing ratification of the … Read more

A Good Night for Democrats and Schools in Arizona and Across the Country.

It was a good night for Democrats on November 5, 2019. The Virginia State Legislature has shifted back to Democratic control for the first time in a quarter-century. Kentucky Attorney General Andy Beshear, despite an election-eve Trump, attended rally, appears to have defeated unpopular extreme reactionary Mark Bevin for the Governorship. Republicans did prevail in … Read more

The Children and Educators in Arizona’s Public Schools Need Your Vote Today.

Today is an important day for Arizona’s children and educators. Across the state, 50 public school districts are holding either bond, override, or maintenance and operation override elections. If these districts prevail in their requests at the ballot box, schools, depending on the need, will be able to: Build new schools or classrooms and renovate … Read more

Arizonans for Fair Elections file the Fair Elections Act initiative

In case you missed it, this happened this past week. Arizonans for Fair Elections filed an ambitious ballot initiative that includes a laundry list of election reforms that I have advocated on behalf of for years (and a few I hadn’t even thought of). The Arizona Republic reported, Effort underway to significantly change elections in … Read more