Phoenix Mayor Kate Gallego moves to help the Homeless and Promote Affordable Housing

According to a January 2019 count; Phoenix has a homeless population of approximately 6600 people. A significant portion (about a third according to Phoenix Rescue Mission data about Maricopa County) of the homeless are families with children.     Many of these people are sleeping in shelters, in tent encampments, or on the cold or … Read more

UA College of Medicine research lab

More Transparency in #AZ Commerce Authority Tax Giveaway Deals Is Needed (video)

Today’s video is about HB2409, small business investment tax credit extension. This is also known as the Angel Investor Tax Credit. In the big scheme of tax giveaways in the state of Arizona, this one is sort of small potatoes dollar wise, but I still have issues. It is an extension if $2.5 million per … Read more


#AZLeg Should Add Coronavirus Prevention & Control to Budget (video)

The Coronavirus is spreading rapidly in some US states, including Arizona. Let’s put this contagion into perspective. One man in New York has been linked to 28 cases of Coronavirus. Last week, we heard about Coronavirus in one senior living facility in the Seattle area; one week later, there are Coronavirus cases in nine senior living … Read more

The third time is the charm? GOP pushing a lieutenant governor ballot proposal again

Arizona voters overwhelmingly rejected two previous ballot measures to create a lieutenant governor position. But Republicans just won’t take no for an answer. “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” The GOP-led Arizona House approved a third attempt for a ballot measure to create a … Read more