Yesterday’s update by AZDHS head honcho, Dr. Cara (no relation to Jesus) Christ was some of the coldest bedside manner I’ve ever seen come from a doctor. All the while Governor Ducey did his best to assure the rest of us to stay calm because if/when we do get the COVID the hospitals in the state still have plenty of room.
AZ Government
What ‘defund the police’ actually means (and why rebranding would aid reforms)
In an earlier post I commented that “defund the police,” a complex innovative policy initiative, in my opinion is badly branded by criminal justice reformers. Could you possibly make it any easier for a racist demagogue like Donald Trump to scare the geriatric old white shut-ins who watch the white nationalist hosts on Fox News aka … Read more
Judy Stahl would like to bring full representation to the People of LD One
Arizona Legislative District (LD) One, an area that consists of parts of Yavapai and Maricopa County, has not elected a Democrat in its present geographic configuration. Judy Stahl would like to remedy that and bring full representation to the people of LD One as one of the district’s next State House members in 2021. A … Read more
Martha McSally Wants to Bankrupt Arizona, Forcing Immediate Police Furloughs
Appointed Senator McSally continues to put GOP party politics above the interest of Arizona and our families. She refuses to support aiding the state and local governments whose revenues have plummeted due to the COVID-19 pandemic shut-down. Not making good those revenue shortfalls will force these governments to slash workforce, including first responders, since their … Read more
#COVID19 Shines Spotlight on Inadequacies of Profit-Driven Health Care (video)
As of June 8, 2020, there have been 7 million cases of COVID19 worldwide and 402,555 deaths. The US has the worst COVID19 track record with 2 million cases and 110,514 deaths. Although the US has 4.25% of the world’s population, we have had 28% of the cases and 28% of the deaths. Why does … Read more