Remembering May Day with movies: Black, brown, white– unite! (video)

by Pamela Powers Hannley May Day– more than any other day– is a holiday for the 99%. For decades, on May 1, workers around the world have honored the memory of Haymarket Square and striking Chicago workers who were fighting for an 8-hour work day. From Wikipedia… The Haymarket affair (also known as the Haymarket massacre or … Read more

OFA ad: Mitt Romney ‘extreme’ on women’s issues

Posted by AzBlueMeanie:

The Obama campaign has released a video painting Mitt Romney as “extreme” on women’s issues.

“Mitt Romney’s run to the right may be winning him Tea Party voters, but American women are realizing they cannot trust Romney to stand up for them,” the campaign said in a release. 

Watch the video below the fold:

Satire: ‘I’m moving to Arizona’ (where every woman is pregnant)

Posted by AzBlueMeanie:

Tina Dupuy writes at They've Socialized Our Wombs: 'In Arizona I'm Pregnant':

I will be in Arizona tomorrow, driving through on my way to New York City. And I am "expecting" (get it?) to be legally pregnant for a couple of hours. When the law sees us as public incubators – adding a prequel to conception is the least of our worries. It means your body is not your own. If your body is not yours they can probe you, criminalize what you do with your own body and arbitrarily change the legal duration of your pregnancy. And it's already happening in Arizona: Make way for state-decided immaculate conceptions!

"This lovely [satirical] video and song comes to us from Taylor Ferrara." (below thw fold).

John McCain’s flip-flop-flip on the GOP War on Women

Posted by AzBlueMeanie: In an interview on Meet The Press Gregory in March, Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) slammed the GOP assault on working women, and even urged his fellow Republicans to finally end their lengthy war on women’s reproductive health. Think Progress reported After Backing Anti-Birth Control Blunt Amendment, McCain Now Says GOP Needs To … Read more