Indictment of Jared Loughner

COMPLAINT United States District Court DISTRICT OF ARIZONA United States of America   v JARED LEE LOUGHNER DOB: xx/xx/1988; United States Citizen DOCKET NO. MAGISTRATE’S CASE NO. 11-0035M Complaint for violation of Title 18 United States Code 351(c); Title 18 United States Code 1114 and 1111; and Title 18 United States Code 1114 and 1113 … Read more

Redistricting update: “Cry Havoc, and Loose The Dogs…”

by Craig McDermott, cross-posted from Random Musings …Of Litigation… Having been unsurprisingly unsuccessful in their attempt to intimidate the Arizona Commission on Appellate Court Appointments into changing the pool of possible appointees to the Arizona Independent Redistricting Commission (AIRC) to one more of their liking, Russell Pearce and Kirk Adams are turning to the Arizona Supreme Court … Read more

The Battle is Won, the War Continues

By Michael Bryan   With Judge Bolton's ruling enjoining enforcement of the core provisions of SB1070, the battle to stop Arizona from becoming a mini-sovreign (a tyrannical one) for the purposes of immigration is won, but the political and legal war between two visions of American immigration policy is just warming up. However, it is … Read more