Have you called your Congresswoman today?

by David SafierYesterday I heard it again. Giffords needs to hear from her constituents who support a strong public option. You call and say, "I support a strong public option." A smiling voice asks for your name and address, then thanks you for your call. That's it. You go in the "For Public Option" column … Read more

Attention Blue Dogs

by David SafierThis says it well. If President Barack Obama succeeds in signing a major health care reform bill into law – one that provides a public plan for people currently priced out of the system – he will achieve what at least three presidents before him had hoped for, and failed to do. And … Read more

Somebody really needs to say this

by David SafierOh, wait, someone did just say this. Obama made the whole health care argument in one beautifully worded statement. Other Dems need to take bits and pieces of this and spread the message far and wide.

The proposed health care tax

by David SafierThe House health care bill proposes a tax — or surcharge, take your pick of terms — on people with incomes above $350,000 to help pay for universal health care. Citizens for Tax Justice has figured out how many Americans would have to pay that tax. Watch out if you're in Connecticut, which … Read more

Health care debate all over the board

by David SafierHere's a quote every Democrat playing duck-and-delay games with health care legislation should keep in mind. Republican Senator Jim DeMint said if they can delay health care legislation until September, they can kill it. "If we’re able to stop Obama on this it will be his Waterloo. It will break him," he said. … Read more