Henry Adams: “A Teacher Affects Eternity”

by David Safier In keeping with the tradition I’ve established of Sunday meta-Ed posts (I just made that term up to describe posts that deal with larger issues than the day-to-day workings of our schools and school districts), today I’m pulling some educational quotes from my favorite book of all time: The Education of Henry … Read more

Your Brain on Steroids?

by David Safier Are brain enhancement drugs the rough equivalent of steroids? A few weeks ago, the New York Times ran an article about the new batch of drugs that can increase your ability to concentrate and allow you to continue working for long periods of time without sleep. I agree with those who say … Read more

Ben Stein: “Teach Intelligent Design”

by David Safier Awhile back, I applauded Ben Stein for breaking with his conservative brethren and calling for higher taxes on the rich. At the end of the post, I wrote, “Ben Stein, you’€™re this Tax-and-Spend Liberal’€™s new best friend.” Let me qualify that statement. When it comes to tax policy, Ben and I agree. … Read more

High Stakes Fudging on No Child Left Behind

by David Safier School Districts all over the country are inflating their graduation rates, some by over 20%. Mississippi keeps two sets of graduation books. One says the rate is 87%, the other 63%. Inflation of graduation rates and standardized test scores has gone on for years, but NCLB has turned it into an epidemic, … Read more

More on Bush’s War on Public Schools

by David Safier Mike Bryan suggested I expand on yesterday’s post about the Bush administration’s War on Public Schools, using some of the information I later added in the Comments section. OK, Mike, here it is. As I wrote yesterday, the War on Public Schools began during the Reagan years, accelerated during Bush I, and … Read more