Arizona List: Re-Elect Laura Conover for Pima County Attorney

Arizona List is a statewide membership network that works to recruit, train, support and elect pro-choice Democratic women running for office in Arizona. We want to share our deep distress at the increasingly negative campaigning in the Pima County Attorney Race. We are proud of our strong endorsement of Pima County Attorney Laura Conover. We … Read more

The Entire Arizona Democratic Party Leadership Endorses Harris for President

Today the Arizona Democratic Party, led by Chair Yolanda Bejarano, released a letter of endorsement for Kamala Harris for President of the United States. The letter is signed by every state party officer and every county chair in the state. Every Arizona convention delegate should be aware of this document and its import. Though all … Read more

We’re With Her; Arizona Democratic Leaders Rally To Vice President Kamala Harris

With Arizona Democrats paying rightful tribute to President Joe Biden and his years of service and saving the country from MAGA-Authoritarinism, many have immediately rallied to support the Presidential candidacy of Vice President Kamala Harris. They are not alone as evidenced by the approximately $60 million in donations to the now Harris for President site … Read more