In its latest ad “Whispers,” the Lincoln Project stokes Donald Trumps Paranoia towards Everyone

The people behind the Lincoln Project know Donald Trump watches their digital ads. How? Because Mr. Trump tweeted he has.  That is why the latest Lincoln Project ad “Whispers” really has an audience of one: Donald Trump. In the ad, the narrator stokes the 2016 Popular Vote Losers Paranoia by insinuating that he has a … Read more

Joe Biden and Arizona Democratic Congressional Candidates react to the June Jobs Report

The June Jobs Report is unfortunately an illusion of hope. While close to five million jobs were created and the unemployment rate went down, the June report is based again on faulty classification errors and worker reporting numbers taken before the COVID 19 spike in most of the country. In essence, the June Jobs Report … Read more

Martha McSally defends traitorous Trump in ‘Bounty Gate’

Where does our self-proclaimed “woman warrior” appointed, not elected, Senator Martha McSally stand on ‘Bounty Gate’: Trump takes Putin’s side (again), will not defend lives of American soldiers. According to The Arizona Republic: Sen. Martha McSally most wants to know how classified information leaked that reportedly points to Russia covertly offering bounties for the deaths … Read more

In his ads, Joe Biden salutes Front Line Heroes who face the Perils of COVID 19 Everyday

If voters need another reason to pick Joe Biden over Donald Trump, then look at the below digital ads. Joe Biden is saluting two Front Line workers who he refers to as heroes. The first hero is Tracy, a nurse, and mother of five teenagers, who has to wear hazmat suits and work 12 hour … Read more

Coronavirus ‘truther’ Trump lies, endangering the public health

Donald Trump emerged from the fever swamps of right-wing conspiracy theory mongering. He was the leader of the racist “Obama Birther” conspiracy theory. Trump was also an anti-vaxxer from way back. “In public statements going back more than a decade, Trump has alleged a connection — for which no evidence exists — between childhood vaccines … Read more