Kathy Knecht wants to bring Balance to Arizona Government.

As an independent candidate for the State Senate Seat in Legislative District 21,  Kathy Knecht came historically close to winning the 2018 race against Republican incumbent Rick Gray. Finding a home in the Democratic Party, Ms. Knecht, a recognized local community and educator advocate, has launched a bid to become one of the two State … Read more

More Nazi Talk from the KKK Endorsed Candidate

People who are familiar with World History probably cringed after hearing or reading the Nazi-like comments the KKK endorsed candidate has made over the last week with regards to the Kurds. Since the poorly thought out decision to abandon the Kurds in Northern Syria, the Liar in Chief has claimed that the Kurds were “no … Read more

Colonel Felicia French wants to continue to Serve the People as Senator from LD6

Arizona Legislative District Six presents a genuine opportunity for Democratic Legislative pickups in the 2020 elections. Army and National Guard Colonel Felicia French, a 2018 State House candidate, has decided to run for the State Senate seat currently occupied by State Senator Sylvia Allen, an officeholder who has come under repeated scrutiny for racist comments. … Read more

Warren proves she is Mortal at the Fourth Democratic Debate.

As Van Jones commented on CNN following the Fourth Democratic Debate, Elizabeth Warren proved she was mortal. Please click here to watch the full debate. Being the perceived new front runner meant that Senator Warren received new scrutiny on her positions from the other candidates, especially on Medicare for All and the Wealth Tax. Senator … Read more