If the Trump/Vance Handmaids Tale Ticket Wins, Girls Like Hadley Duvall Will be Forced to Remain Pregnant After Being Raped

The Biden/Harris Campaign, through a couple of social media posts, is reminding people across the country that if the Trump/Vance Handmaids Tale Ticket wins this November, rape victims, including those who are minors, will be forced to remain in their pregnancies full term. The two Biden/Harris ads center around Hadley Duvall, a young woman who … Read more

In a Back to the 1950s Alt-Reality Parody Ad, The Lincoln Project Goes After MAGA and Project 2025 in “Convention”

In one of the better ads of this campaign season, the Lincoln Project has released “Convention,” an alt-reality parody of a 1950s commercial that skillfully showcases how Project 2025 would be bad for everyone in this country who is not a White Evangelical Christian Nationalist Male. The narrator, acting like someone selling appliances in the … Read more

Biden/Harris Campaign Ad Attacks Trump and Project 2025

The Biden/Harris Campaign has continued its vigorous attack on 34 time convicted, twice impeached, traitor and sexual assaulter Donald ‘I killed Roe v Wade’ Trump’s MAGA policy blueprint, the Heritage Foundation version of Mein Kampf and The Handmaids Tale, Project 2025 by releasing several social media posts including a new ad. In the new ad, … Read more

AZDLCC Co-Chair Priya Sundareshan Discusses the Stakes in the 2024 Elections at the DLCC Summer of the States Press Conference

Yesterday (July 10, 2024,) the national Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee (DLCC,) hosted by the organization’s President Heather Williams, convened its first ever DLCC Summer of the States Press Conference. Please click here if you would like to watch the whole event. Please click here to access the Summer of the States website. The DLCC and … Read more

Ahead of Convicted, Impeached, Sexual Assaulter Trump’s Rally, First Lady Jill Biden and Others Attack the MAGA-Project 2025 War on Women

First Lady Jill Biden and other Biden/Harris Campaign Surrogates participated in an afternoon press call ahead of a Trump Florida rally (his first event in almost two weeks) to attack the MAGA-Republican war on Women through their court decisions, party platform, and Project Mein Kampf/Handmaids Tale 2025. Biden/Harris spokesperson Adrienne Elrod started the press call … Read more