Edwards Calls it Quits, I Lose My Vote

Link: In New Orleans, Edwards calls it quits.

In a surprise move following a sub-15% performance in Florida, a primary with no delegates, John Edwards called it quits before Tsunami Tuesday. I’m curious how people who were supporting Edwards, like myself, are now leaning. I voted early, so I’m kind of screwed; I don’t get to cast my vote for a candidate who will be continuing to campaign now. That’s the risk in voting early, I suppose.

I don’t have a very good sense of where Edwards’ support will roll. I think it may break differently in each state. From my personal experience and a look at super-delegates like Grijalva, it would seem to be flowing to Obama here in Arizona, but there are some pollsters who claim that Edwards staying in was the best thing he could have done for Obama on Tsunami Tuesday because a majority of his support will roll toward Hillary in a larger number of Tsunami states. I find that assertion counter-intuitive, but it’s certainly possible. The polling over the weekend will indicate if there is a predominant trends in each state, but I suspect we simply won’t know how it will play out until the returns come in Tuesday night – and that’s how it should be, I guess.

The biggest question in the primary race now is whether Edwards or Gore will endorse before the critical Feb. 5th contests.

And then there were two… I guess we’re going to find out if America is ready for a female or black President this cycle. I pray that it’s so, otherwise President McCain or President Romney will be an even bigger disaster than President Bush.

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