LD 17 Chair Larry Waggoner at DGT

by Carolyn Classen, blogger "Larry Waggoner is the Chair of Legislative District 17. Before being elected Chair of LD17, he was the Second Vice-Chair of LD10 and the lead of the LD10 Operations Team. Larry was also responsible for engagement with C3 and C4 organizations working for voter outreach within LD10. Come meet Larry who ... Read more

White Dudes for Harris Kickoff

More than 10,000 white men from across the country are expected to join the effort this week. They will be on hand to welcome Vice President Harris to the presidential race and pledge to help get her elected. Register to attend this Zoom call at https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfv8CbvFVggb-D6bQ1-oPUNULwk6f1qzkjufYGIWFiCQ0Z8RA/viewform Together, we aren’t going to sit around and let ... Read more


Arizona Primary election

by Carolyn Classen, blogger Arizona Primary is early this year, not in August, but on July 30, 2024. Up for election in 2024 are: US President & Vice President (now VP Kamala Harris running for President) One U.S. Senator (to be vacated by one term Senator Kyrsten Sinema (I), not running for re-election) All 9 ... Read more

Women for Harris Reproductive Freedom event in Phoenix

location TBA

by Carolyn Classen, blogger Women for Harris Reproductive Event Community Event Time Wednesday, July 31 12 – 1:30pm MST Location This event's address is private.Sign up for more details. About this event "Please join the Arizona for Harris campaign for an event with Reproductive Freedom For All President and CEO Mini Timmaraju and reproductive rights ... Read more

Resisting Christian Nationalism


Register at https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcsce6tqTssG9FPX0_mhzADSDH88_WDrGFm#/registration to get the Zoom link. If you're horrified about the rise of Christian nationalism, you're not alone. Many folks, including many Christians, are concerned that this fundamentalist political movement could change America by eviscerating the separation of Church and State while gutting hard-won freedoms and rights along with it. But there's hope! ... Read more


Gun Violence Intervention forum

Sentinel Building 310 N. Commerce Park Loop, Tucson, Arizona

by Carolyn Classen, blogger "Together with TPD, a research team from the U of A School of Government and Public Policy will be conducting a community forum – a focus group to receive citizens' inputs to identify the root causes of the problems regarding gun-related issues and obtain their feedback. For any questions about the ... Read more