Final Day DNC Arizona Delegation Breakfast Speakers

Sorry about the delay in getting this footage to you: got a bit of a nasty cold at the DNC (not COVID!) that laid me out a bit.

The 4th and final day of the DNC featured a great lineup of speakers for breakfast, including some real star power! I am so grateful for the efforts of our Arizona delegation staff in setting these wonderful breakfast meetings up!

The first speaker up was US Senator from Colorado, Michael Bennet, who is just too cool for school. His relaxed style and prototypical Western laconic style make you feel like you are just hanging at a barbeque with a cool dude.

Next up was AOC. I don’t think I have to tell you what a natural she is. She just oozes charisma all over the room. Unfortunately, she was whisked almost immediately out of the room to her next gig, so I didn’t get a chance to exchange a word with her.

Next up, with similar star power, was Texan US Rep. Jasmine Crockett. She, too, sent the room into a swoon.

With plenty of charisma and rhetorical power of his own, Quacy Smith of Arizona lit up the room. He is running to unseat the horrible, cretinous weirdo Paul Gosar, whose own family denounces the way he’s done his job as US Representative from Arizona. I wish Quacy was better known and garnered more attention. Many view his race as hopeless, and in any given year and with any given candidate it may be; but Quacy is a rare talent, this is an extraordinary year, and Gosar is uniquely vile, so who knows? We may have a miracle in the making. Judge for yourself the raw talent, charisma, and skill of Quacy Smith then tell me you aren’t even a little bit hopeful.

Finally, we had Harris/Walz national campaign manager Julie Chavez Rodriguez. She is an amazing organizer and manager who masterminded the quick launch of the Harris campaign and is the origin of the extraordinary ‘vibes’ orchestrated by Harris campaign. She – of course – credits a great team effort, but a team is only as effective as its leaders, so a lot of the credit for a successful launch of the Harris surge is down to Julie. We plan to have Julie come speak with us at following the campaign to unpack her reflections on the work she will do – if she has any time, of course. She likely will have a significant role in the transition and Harris Administration, so we’ll have to see… Very much looking forward to picking her brain!

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