by David Safier
Yesterday I posted that a billion worth of fed stim money may be in jeopardy because of the sweeps of education funding written into the Republican budget — you know, the one they passed, then said, "We didn't really mean it, Guv. We'll hold onto this one. Let's do lunch, OK?"
Now it's Brewer herself who says another $1.7 billion in stim funds could be held back because the Rs want to tighten eligibility for AHCCCS by requiring the applicants "provide one or more documents from a specified list."
Kavanagh says it's just to keep illegal aliens out of the system. But for these people who hate public health care, it has the added bonus of keeping other poor people out who may not have the right type of ID. Kind of like all those voter ID rules that make it harder for Democratic-leaning constituencies to be able to register and vote.
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