Former Senator Jeff Flake stars in Get Out the Vote Ads for Joe Biden

In three ads with different time allotments that will appear on digital platforms like YouTube, Hulu, and Roku, former Arizona Senator Jeff Flake asks conservatives to vote for Joe Biden by November 3, 2020.

All the ads are called “Country Over Party.”

In the one-minute spot, Senator Flake tells the viewers that, since 1984, he has always supported the Republican Candidate for President until this year.

Saying “principle and conscience require him to do just that,” Mr. Flake said he is voting for Joe Biden.

He then encouraged other Republicans to do so, saying:

“Ask yourself. Who will best restore decency and civility to the White House? Who can I be proud to tell my children and grandchildren I voted for… I also know that character, moral leadership and integrity are values that we can not put aside when we cast our vote for President. If we hold on to these values, our country will be better for it and so will our party.”

Flake concludes by relaying:

“Please, don’t let anyone tell you that by casting your vote for Joe Biden, you are somehow not being conservative. This year the most conservative thing you can do is to put country over party. That’s what I’m doing. I hope you will join me.”

Readers should also remember that former Senator Flake is not the only high profile Arizona Republican endorsing Joe Biden this election cycle.

Cindy McCain, the widow of the late Senator and 2008 Republican Presidential Nominee John McCain is also wholeheartedly supporting her friend Joe Biden.

So has former Representative Jim Kolbe and Attorney General Grant Woods.

Election Day is in six days.

Democrats, Republicans, and Independents throughout Arizona and the Nation need to band together and end this national nightmare the people in this country have been subjected to for close to four years.

Put country over party.

Please remember:

  • The General Election Day is on November 3. 2020. Please see the below graphic for all-important voting dates. 
  • Please check your voter registration at vote.
  • heck-in with the Secretary of State’s office where you live to verify your mail-in ballot was received, processed, verified, and counted.
  • Know the voter ID requirements in your state.
  • If you can, support Clean Election Candidates with a small contribution.
  • Also, please remember to stay informed on all the candidates and vote for all the offices on the ballot.
  • Also, remember to research all the ballot initiatives, sign to get them on the ballot if you support the measure, and vote on them as well.







4 thoughts on “Former Senator Jeff Flake stars in Get Out the Vote Ads for Joe Biden”

  1. Jeffie thinks there is a place for him in a Biden Administration. I read somewhere that he is actually being vetted by Biden’s team.

    Well, Flake can talk, no question about that. He will criticize Trump and his own party and quit his job and market himself as one of the few Republicans who is not an a$$hole. In fact, he’s a “deeply religious” person, if I’m not mistaken.

    Anyone remember when the Senate was voting to repeal and “replace” the ACA? This was a check-a-box on Trump’s agenda, intended to be a major step forward in satisfying Trump’s evil desire to erase the most significant accomplishment of the first black president.

    What I remember is that Democrats were begging, just literally begging Flake to do the right thing and walk the talk, to vote against Trump. But he didn’t have the balls or the character. In fact, his voting record is abominable.

    Not to put the cart before the horse but God forbid that someone like Flake gets rewarded by Biden when better people get passed over. I kind of expect that, actually.

    Now my blood pressure has spiked just thinking of that clown, the aptly named Jeff Flake.

        • What’s going to be unbearable is that we all know Biden is going to reach out to Flake and people like him in an effort to bring the country together.

          But the Trumpihadis, cable news and AM hate radio folks, and Breitbart’s of the world feel about Flake the same way Liza does.

          So it won’t work. It’s not going to impress anyone on either side.

          Hey Dems, here’s some advice I got from someone who mentored my early career in management:

          “Get shit done and treat people well”.

          The only thing I’ll add to that seven word graduate level course on leading people is make sure you tell Americans what you’re doing, and don’t let right wing media define you.

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