GOP Certainly Hasn’t Lost Nerve

Link: Letter Proposing Minority Bill of Rights by Republicans.

The House Minority (GOP) leadership transmitted a letter to Pelosi requesting minority protections that Pelosi requested herself in 2002 (and were completely ignored, of course). What is so incredibly wrong here is that there is not one word of acknowledgment of how the GOP majority systematically abused the Democratic minority over the past 12 years. I would have a kind word for the GOP if they would have eaten some humble pie and taken responsibility for effectively ending democratic deliberation in the people’s House for the past 6 years: but no, nothing forthcoming but more partisan maneuvering.

They only whine about how poorly the Democratic majority treated them during 40 years of the Democratic dominance, and never acknowledge their own responsibility for suspending regular order and squashing minority rights – they just demand that we return to them the very rights they shit on while in power.

Well, I dare say they will get exactly what they want. Not because they asked for it, or deserve it, or will use it responsibly (they won’t), but because it was always Democrats’ intent to do so. They’ll get regular order and minority rights because that’s how our democracy is supposed to function, and Democrats truly believe in our democratic traditions. Nonetheless, they GOP minority will claim return to regular order as some sort of victory for the Republican party, "We saved democracy from the Democratic power-mongers!" Yeah, Right. We’ll know better…

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1 thought on “GOP Certainly Hasn’t Lost Nerve”

  1. I am a Republican and this just makes me mad. We lost, get over it and do better next time. To the winner goes the spoils.

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