Gov. Jan Brewer appeases her GOP crazy base

Posted by AzBlueMeanie:

So how's that "De-Kook the Capitol" thing working out for ya, Laurie Roberts? Gov. Jan Brewer, engaged in a civil war in the Tea-Publican Party over her Medicaid (AHCCCS) restoration plan, appeased her GOP crazy base by signing several bills on Monday.

HB 2455 clarifies that local law-enforcement agencies must sell guns they acquire in situations such as gun-buyback programs — even when the gun owner desires that their weapon be destroyed, in violation of their private property rights.

House Bill 2326 would prohibit local governments from keeping a list of gun owners (there is no evidence that any city is keeping such a list). This is prophylactic paranoia.

It is now official. Idolatrous gun worship is the official state religion in Arizona. Guns are sacred objects and holy relics that are protected from destruction.  Bill signed preventing Tucson from destroying 'buyback' guns:

False IdolsGov. Jan Brewer signed legislation aimed specifically at halting Tucson's practice of allowing police to destroy guns that people voluntarily surrender through buyback programs.

Instead, the state law, which takes effect later this year, will require that any weapons that come into a city or county's possession must be sold off, with the profits used to bolster the local treasury.

Brewer's signature, which came late Monday without comment, was not a surprise. Since becoming governor in 2009, she had signed two other laws limiting the ability of cities and counties to destroy weapons.

The only gun worshiper and fetishist bills that Brewer has vetoed in her time in office dealt with taking weapons onto school campuses, and into public buildings. Even Brewer has limits on "the crazy."

There was an astroturf campaign by the gun worshipers and fetishists from the Arizona Citizens Defense League who "turfed" the governors office with 1,900 requests to sign the measure. According to Gov. Brewer's office, she received only 25 requests to veto the measure. I am deeply disappointed in the Blog for Arizona community for your lack of activism on this issue. 25? Really? Apathy and passivity is how the loud-mouthed bullies of the GOP crazy base get what they want.

In other GOP crazy base action, Gov. Brewer signed the Restaurant Association lobbyist bill forbidding Arizona cities from enacting their own "living wage" ordinances. Once again, there are no such living wage ordinances now in Arizona. This is prophylactic paranoia. Brewer signs plethora of new laws on variety of subjects:

[The] measure signed by the governor spells out that issues of wages and fringe benefits are strictly matters of statewide concern, meaning communities cannot adopt requirements for employers within their jurisdictions to pay more.

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Rep. Tom Forese, R-Chandler, said his legislation, which takes effect later this year, is not meant to stop cities from forcing companies that have contracts with city government to pay their employees a certain amount [prevailing wage]; Tucson has such a law.

After the regulatory failure that led to the fertilizer plant disaster in West, Texas, Governor Brewer just made it more likely that a similar regulatory disaster will occur in Arizona:

Without comment, Brewer signed legislation to allow firms that conduct their own internal health and safety audits to keep them secret, at least from those who might sue.

Rep. Heather Carter, R-Cave Creek, said the measure will encourage companies to do more than state and federal laws now require to check the safety of their workplaces as well as their products, as they will know that what they find will not be used against them in court. The only requirement is that a firm must actively work to resolve the problem.

Foes of the measure said they are not convinced that hiding internal reports from those who have been injured actually improves safety in the long run.

Heather Carter's beliefs are nonsense. The "free market" philosophy of no regulations and the mythical honor system imposed by the market place only gets people killed.