by David Safier
Every morning I get a news brief from the Capitol Times listing the day's stories. Today's top four headlines and story openings speak of a Republican party in disarray at the state lege and Democrats, for the first time in awhile, having a significant seat at the table.
Here they are.
Votes are there for Medicaid expansion, but not without Speaker Tobin
House Speaker Andy Tobin has steadfastly said there aren't enough votes to pass Medicaid expansion through the House, although he seems to be the only one who still thinks that. . . . But Tobin said there is still a single vote missing that makes all the difference: his.
After losing control of Senate, Biggs looks on as new majority emerges
The Arizona Senate's passage of a budget plan that includes Medicaid expansion on May 16 was a tremendous victory for Gov. Jan Brewer, as well as the lawmakers who stuck their necks out for the governor — most notably Senate Majority Leader John McComish, who sponsored the amendment that added expansion to the budget plan.
Tobin fighting to hold caucus together, keep the budget in GOP hands
A fight is brewing in the House that Speaker Andy Tobin didn't ask for, and he's trying to keep his caucus members from tearing each other apart over Medicaid expansion – and stop the budget from getting hijacked.
House prepares to rip Senate budget apart, rebuild it from scratch
Building a budget that can gain support from the majority of lawmakers in both legislative chambers and get it signed by the governor takes a delicate balance.
It's not a "V for Victory" moment, but there are plenty of indications that Republican party's monolithic facade is crumbling. And interestingly, the wedge issue that's tearing the Republicans apart is the issue they're hoping will unite them in 2014: Obamacare.
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