In a Newly Released Video, Maricopa County Sheriff Candidate Jerry Sheridan Again Shows Why He Should Not Be Trusted With That Office

Former Maricopa County Chief Deputy and Joe Arpaio sycophant Jerry Sheridan has shown again why he is the political gift that keeps on giving…

…For Democratic candidates for Maricopa County Sheriff.

In a newly released video released by Phoenix’s Channel Twelve News (NBC,) Sheridan portrayed himself as Joe Arpaio’s Chief Executive Officer.

In other words, he was the person who ran the nuts and bolts of the Sheriff’s operation like implementing all those actions credited to Arpaio that resulted in state and national condemnation and the loss of hundreds of millions in taxpayer dollars to pay for civil rights violations conducted by the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Department unlawful police tactics as spelled out in the Melendres Lawsuit from 2007.

In the video, Sheridan pulls a Reagan after the Iran-Contra Affair exploded into public view in 1987, saying “I don’t remember what I remember about that,” calling it “a minor issue…Nuisance Litigation...”

Later, when asked about what he remembered from a meeting where his own attorney explained the court orders to him and the Sheriff’s Department, he replied, “Who knows what I was paying attention to.”

That comment should tell the voters a lot about Sheridan’s mindset about civil rights violations and attention to detail. What voter wants a Sheriff who thinks such violations are nothing more than a nuisance? What voter wants a Sheriff who pleads ignorance and memory loss?

Those questions were key to Maricopa County Latino leaders who earlier this week penned a letter asking why they should believe Sheridan the Sheriff would be any different from Sheridan the Joe Arpaio C.E.O..

The news report also reminds viewers that Mr. Sheridan told his deputies to ignore the Judges’ rulings mandating they change their methods and that the Courts later found that he:

  • Disobeyed the court-ordered injunction.
  • Failed to disclose evidence.
  • Failed to discipline misconduct.
  • Had numerous conflicts of interest.

Among the judge’s comments that helped put Sheridan on the Brady List, a compilation of law enforcement officials that have demonstrated dishonesty, “They lied to my face.”

Responding to the latest reports on Sheridan in a Campaign Press Release, Democratic Sheriff Nominee Tyler Kamp wrote:

“This just goes to show how Jerry Sheridan can never be allowed to return to MCSO. Sheridan’s actions have cost Maricopa County taxpayers $350,000,000 and counting. We’ve spent seven years putting out the fire Sheridan started, why on Earth would we give control back to the arsonist.” 

Mr. Kamp and Mr. Sheridan debated on September 12, 2024.

Please click below to view the event.

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3 thoughts on “In a Newly Released Video, Maricopa County Sheriff Candidate Jerry Sheridan Again Shows Why He Should Not Be Trusted With That Office”

  1. Democrats who left AZ wide open for traffickers of children, women and drugs, oh, and all illegal aliens, can not be ever allowed near any govt office

    • It’s like Fox News became a real boy and started trolling blogs.

      Too much ignorance for me to deal with on a Sunday.

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