In the Latest Biden/Harris Campaign Ad “No One” The President Tells the People He is Fighting to Reduce Prices for Them


In a kind of “I feel your pain” campaign ad, the Biden/Harris team has released a new ad called “No One.”

With President Biden narrating, he recounts his families struggles when he was a child, saying “When I was a young man, my family left our hometown so Dad could find a decent job.”

He reminded middle and working class viewers that he, unlike 34 times convicted Donald Trump, can relate to their circumstances and he, in contrast to Mr. ‘I won’t pay my bills’ was their champion, saying:

“I know what it’s like to struggle. I know many American Family’s are fighting every day to get by. That’s why no one, especially a billionaire like Donald Trump will stop me from fighting to lower costs for food and rent because hardworking families deserve a chance to get ahead.”

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4 thoughts on “In the Latest Biden/Harris Campaign Ad “No One” The President Tells the People He is Fighting to Reduce Prices for Them”

  1. Appropriate since his inflation is the cause of high prices.
    By the way. Isn’t Biden a millionaire like Trump.

    • Maybe John Government Checks Kavanagh could explain GLOBAL inflation.

      Does he think Biden controls the economy of the entire world? LOL.

      Does he understand what corporate profit margins being way, way up, means?

      That we’re being gouged? That you can see it on their own filings?

      I really want to be nicer to the guy, but come on, he’s either:

      An idiot
      A lying idiot
      A paid lying idiot
      Or, most charitably, severely misinformed.

      In light of the recent and never ending Clarence Thomas/SCOTUS corruption revelations, Kushner taking 2 billion in Saudi money, and Bob Menendez’s issues, we really should be looking into his and all government employees finances.

      I smell corruption.


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