President Biden Comments on the Second Quarter GDP Numbers

In another sign that Bidenomics appears to be working for the country and the American People, the second quarter gross domestic product numbers showed the national economy grew at 2.8 percent. Commenting on this news, President Joe Biden issued a statement through the White House Press room. “When I took office, we were in the … Read more

The Harris for President Campaign Lays Out Its Strategy to Win the 2024 Election

With a surge of unprecedented enthusiasm not seen since perhaps the early days of Barack Obama 2008 Presidential campaign, the Harris for President team has laid out its strategy to win the White House in November. In a memo sent out early this morning (just in time for the morning news shows like Morning Joe) … Read more

Vice President Harris Wows the Crowd at a Milwaukee Rally, Saying “Ours is a Fight for the Future”

In her first rally as the Democratic Party’s Presumptive Presidential Nominee, Vice President Kamala Harris, whose campaign is over $100 million richer in grassroots donations over the last two days, wowed a very enthusiastic crowd in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Similar to the remarks she made during a rally the troops event at the Harris for President … Read more

Failed President and Convicted Trump Showing More Signs of Dementia

Donald ‘I killed Roe v Wade’ Trump is continuing to show signs of increasing dementia. Remember at the Republican Convention when he told Scott Walker he was doing a great job as Governor. Problem is Walker stopped being Governor of Wisconsin in 2019. At his rallies, he continually talks about Hannibal Lecter as if the … Read more

Firefighters, Carpenters, Flight Attendant, Construction, Iron Workers, and Teachers Unions Endorse CD Three Congressional Candidate Yassamin Ansari

Below is a letter from various union groups endorsing the candidacy of Arizona Congressional District Three Candidate Yassamin Ansari. “We are the men and women who respond to you, your families and your communities’ medical and fire emergencies. We are the men and women who build and maintain your infrastructure. We are firefighters, paramedics, flight attendants, construction workers such as electricians, … Read more