In Their Own Words: #PowersForThePeople Voters Speak Out (video)

Taundra Copley
Taundra Copley, stay-at-home Mom and my neighbor

Tomorrow is the Democratic Party Primary. August 30, 2016 has been in the back of my mind since I created my Pamela Powers Hannley for House Campaign Committee on August 19, 2016.

The campaign has been a heart-warming, physically-demanding, soul-searching, eye-opening, stress-inducing educational experience. Today’s post is not mine, though. It belongs to my supporters. Nine of my supporters– all LD9 voters, including several LD9 precinct committee people– agreed to make testimonial videos.

What do a world-renowned cardiologist, a stay-at-home Mom, two small business owners, two retirees, a college student, a painter, and a jeweler all have in common? They’re all voting for me in the August 30 Democratic Party Primary. Videos after the jump.

My neighbor and stay-at-home Mom Taundra Copley supports me because she believes that I will help single-income families like hers by raising wages and building a strong and just economy. She believes that families that choose to have one parent stay at home with young children should be able to live without financial hardship or public assistance.

University of Arizona student and student debt activist Chetan Bafna supports me because I have the fire for true economic reform. Chetan also supports the idea of reducing student debt in Arizona by offering low-interest loans through a public bank and making community college free.

Retired grant writer and LD9 precinct committeewoman Beth Britton supports me because she believes that women need more voices in the Arizona Legislature– not fewer.  This LD9 seat was held by Rep. Victoria Steele and Rep. Gabrielle Giffords. As a long-term resident of LD9, I voted and volunteered for both of them. Now I want to follow in their footsteps.

Retired foreign service officer and LD9 precinct committeeman Peter Becskehazy supports me because he believes that Arizona taxpayers would benefit from establishment of a state, regional or local public bank. (Peter is also a fellow Ohio State University alum.)

As a long-time friend of my daughter’s, I met Raychel Mark when she was in high school. Failed Arizona policies and a slow bureaucracy caused Raychel to go without her medications for a month while her AHCCCS coverage kicked in. Raychel is a college graduate who has taught English Language Learning (ELL) for years in Hawaii and South Korea. In Tucson, she’s working in a restaurant. Far too many Arizonans are underemployed and underpaid. If we want to reduce the number of people on AHCCCS, we must raise people out of poverty.

Robert Owens is a University of Arizona student, a small-business owner, and an LD9 precinct committeeman. He supports me because he doesn’t like the Arizona Legislature’s cuts to education, which have led to multiple years of tuition hikes and increased student debt. Robert is worried about Arizona’s future if it continues on this path. He’s ready for reform and fiscal sanity– for example, like spending more on educating school children and less on prisons.

Dr. Joseph S. Alpert is a professor of medicine at the University of Arizona College of Medicine and my boss at the American Journal of Medicine for the past 12 years. He is hands-down the best boss in the world and one of the smartest people I know.  Dr. Alpert was one of the first people to sign my petition, give me a $5 for Clean Elections and write a check for the Clean Elections maximum seed money donation. Here he talks about his support for me.

My daughter, Alexandra Queen, is a great friend to me and a strong supporter of my campaign. She has volunteered on my campaign by helping with house parties and photography. Through Alex, I have met many Tucsonans who in their 20s and 30s, college-educated but still scraping by in the gig economy.  We need jobs for our college graduates so they won’t leave town.

Yes, this is my husband, #1 campaign cheerleader, one of the best campaign volunteers in town, and an LD9 precinct committeeman. Jim and I met through our political connections, and I often joke that we plot to take over the world at our kitchen table (below) every night. Here Jim talks about my qualifications to represent Legislative District 9 in the Arizona House.

Pamela Powers Hannley, Jim Hannley and Cali.
Pamela Powers Hannley, Jim Hannley and Cali.

It all started at this kitchen table a year ago, when Jim and I heard that Rep. Victoria Steele had decided to take on Martha McSally for Congress and I decided to run.

Thanks, everyone who voted, volunteered, donated, and supported my campaign. Onward!

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