In Two New Ads, The Lincoln Project Condemns the Stupidity and Barbarity of the Trump Administration

In two ads released over the last day, the Lincoln Project condemned the stupidity and barbarity of the Trump Administration in its mishandling of the Coronavirus Pandemic and its separation of migrant children from their parents.

The first ad is called “Last Call” and deals with two daughters having their last contact with their dying (from COVID 19) mother with a nurse on a phone call because they can not physically be with her to say goodbye.

This is one of the saddest spots the Lincoln Project has presented. The mother never speaks and the nurse has to tell her what the daughters are saying.

The daughters ask the nurse if their mother knows they can not be there because of COVID 19. The nurse says yes.

The daughters tell their mother they love her and say goodbye. The nurse on the other end tells their mother.

The ad concludes with the graphic of the number of people that have died from the Coronavirus and the narrator stating:

“On November 3, vote Biden/Harris. Life is too important not to.”

The second ad, “Cruel” deals with the Trump Administrations barbaric treatment of separating migrant children from their parents.

In another sad ad, the narrator in this spot points out that children “were ripped from their parent’s arms” and “locked in cages.”

The narrator continues with Rock aby Baby playing in the background:

“Now 545 children are alone in the world. They will never see their parents again. Never hear I love you from their mother or father. 545 children with nowhere to go, no place to call home. 545 children who have had their childhood ripped away. What will that trauma do to them? Who will they become?”

“It’s inhuman. It’s sick. It’s Un-American.”

The Project mocks Trump by playing his comment at the last Presidential Debate saying the children are “so well taken care of.”

The ad concludes with posting the Holocaust expression “Never Again” and stating:



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