Intro to Kingian Nonviolence and Conflict Resolution Workshops in Oct. 2022

“Cost: This event is offered on a gift economy basis where everyone is welcome regardless of financial status. During the training, the facilitators will explain gift economics and share the cost to produce the course. No fee is required, but donations are gratefully accepted. Some people are able to donate, some cannot, some raise the funds. Donate here:

Register in advance at

Questions? Call Mark at 602.799.4572. Or email him at”

Carolyn’s note: I took this 4 day course in August, and profitted a lot from it by learning that conflicts are normal, how to handle them peacefully (in a better way than I did before), and about what led MLK to his nonviolence/civil disobedience beliefs and practices. Sign up today if you are interested in peace building and conflict resolution in today’s America.  Seems like there is more conflict nowadays, more strife in politics and elsewhere, so this may be a useful and insightful course for anyone.

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1 thought on “Intro to Kingian Nonviolence and Conflict Resolution Workshops in Oct. 2022”

  1. Carolyn. Happy World Peace Day! Thanks so much for sharing the flyer about our upcoming workshop on Kingian Nonviolence and Conflict Reconciliation. Glad you found the last workshop helpful. Thanks for your Peace Building work and your blog! I shared it on FB. Peace and all good blessings. ✌️

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