January 20, 2025: The Day The Star Wars Prequels Became Reality

From YouTube

When I had my charter school, Grand Canyon Preparatory Academy, two academic features of the student’s course of study were unique to most traditional public schools in Arizona.

One required four years of history, but most schools in the state only require two: one year of United States and another of World History.

Another was a middle school course called Worlds of Imagination where children explored the human condition through the works of science fiction, horror, and mystery authors and filmmakers.

We also had required World Religions, Holocaust-Genocide Studies, Zoology, Marine Science, and Environmental Science courses.

Back to World of Imagination. Often, I would have readings of famed Science Fiction stories like Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451 or episodes of famous shows like the original Twilight Zone that served as parables for the students to consider the promise and limitations of humanity.

Fast forward to today, January 20, 2025, and it is amazing, and heartbreaking that the prophecies of science fiction writers and movie/television visionaries depicted on episodes of classics like The Twilight Zone, Babylon Five, and the Star Wars prequels have become reality.

Take the famed Twilight Zone episode “He’s Alive” where the ghost/imagined figure of Hitler is giving a young Neo-Fascist/Nazi portrayed by Dennis Hopper pointers on how to convince the “mob” that he, Hopper, is one of them.

Please click here to view. After watching, it is eerie to realize that is how Trump was able to convince millions of people that he is on their side when he really is not.

Or the episode “Voices of Authority” from Babylon 5 in 1996 that shows people getting hoodwinked into believing an orchestrated and distorted version of reality when the government leaders “rewrote the dictionary, calling opponents “anarchists” and “traitors,” and aiming to purge public servants because of their alleged threat under the pretense that “basic freedoms are at stake.”

Sound familiar.

Finally, the Star Wars prequels, with Mr. Trump’s inauguration today, have shown their prophetic value showing how one man (Palpatine) can manipulate events and people to achieve power while seeming to be a public servant falsely looking out for Democracy/the Republic and the well-being of others.

Again. Sound familiar.

Hopefully, this clip from “Revenge of the Sith,” showing Padme Skywalker’s remark that “liberty dies with thunderous applause” will not foresee a coming reality.

Today, January 20, 2025, the United States is at a tipping point.

As President Joe Biden said in his farewell address last week, it is up to the people to now “keep the faith and flame” and peacefully counter the designs of the MAGA-White Nationalist-Oligarchial/Plutocratic- Tech Industrial Complex.

It is up to you now to shape the story.

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2 thoughts on “January 20, 2025: The Day The Star Wars Prequels Became Reality”

  1. Don’t forget Octavia Butler, a Black woman, who accurately predicted 2025 in The Parable of the Sower 40 years ago.


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