January 29 may be the day Mark Kelly and John Hickenlooper won their Senate Seats

Although the elections are on November 3, 2020, Mark Kelly and John Hickenlooper may have won their Senate races on the night of January 29.

Why is that?

Because that is the evening Arizona Senator Coverup Martha McSally and Colorado Senator Coverup Cory Gardner both declared that they would vote to acquit Mr. Trump when the Senate votes on the Articles of Impeachment.

In Ms. Coverup McSally’s case, she issued a series of tweets declaring:

“I have heard enough. It is time to vote….A dangerous precedent will be set if we condone a rushed, partisan House impeachment with no due process that shuts down the Senate for weeks or months to do the House’s work….After two weeks in the Senate, 13 witnesses, and 28,000 pages of evidence, it is time for the Senate to vote and return its focus to the priorities of the American people…”

Mr. Coverup Gardner commented earlier on Tuesday that:

“I do not believe we need to hear from an 18th witness. I have approached every aspect of this grave constitutional duty with the respect and attention required by law, and have reached this decision after carefully weighing the House managers and defense arguments and closely reviewing the evidence from the House, which included well over 100 hours of testimony from 17 witnesses.”

Both Senators will have to explain to their constituents why they:

  • Put Trump over the country.
  • Preferred fiction over reality.
  • Did not want a fair trial like 75 percent of the American People want
  • Voted to have the first impeachment trial in history with no witnesses while 75 percent of the American People wanted to see them.
  • Allowed themselves to be bullied by the President’s lawyers when they said they would paralyze the Senate in court delays if they attempted to subpoena witnesses.
  • Agreed with the Trump defenses team assertion, articulated primarily by Alan Dershowitz, that the President can ask for foreign assistance against his political rival if that Chief Executive feels it serves the public good. THIS, BY THE WAY, IS THE RATIONALE MANY TOTALITARIAN MEGLOMANIACS USE TO JUSTIFY HOW THEY RULE THEIR PEOPLE. 

Both Senators will have to explain when they (if they dare) debate Captain Kelly and Governor Hickenlooper why they became willing accessories to a coverup.

The United States, despite Alan Dershowitz’s radical presentations at the trial over the last two days, is not a Monarchy. It is not a dictatorship. It is not a Cult.

The people in Arizona and Colorado need to hold Senators Coverup McSally and Coverup Gardner accountable and show them and the other coconspirators in the Trump Zone that America is a Democratic Republic, not a Banana one.

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6 thoughts on “January 29 may be the day Mark Kelly and John Hickenlooper won their Senate Seats”

  1. Well, like I’ve been saying, Martha wants a BIG JOB at the Pentagon and she’s betting the farm that Trump will be re-elected and she will be rewarded for her rabid loyalty.

    She’s actually come a long way for someone with no legislative skills, no public speaking skills, no charm, and no humanity. She squeaked by Ron Barber and got his House seat with literally a handful of votes. By 2018, she knew she didn’t have a chance of being re-elected in her district, so she ran for the Senate where there was a broader base of wingnuts. After losing that election she gets appointed anyhow, something that was planned all along which accounts for her gracious “concession” with Boomer her prop dog.

    This woman is so extremely offensive that I am at a loss for words to say anything else about her. She represents no one but herself.

    • Agreed with all you said. And BECAUSE she thinks only of herself , she is the perfect compliment to an installed Oval Office squatter who does the same. They may ‘win’ the battle, but they will lose the war. None of these Republicans do the people’s work, nor are they upholding their oath of impartiality…not to mention upholding their oaths to the US Constitution . She is an embarrassment to the state and the office she holds. November can’t come soon enough. She’s a coward.

    • Well Liza, there’s a pretty offensive term that perfectly sums up her character. First three syllables are “Republi” and the last one rhymes with a baseball sacrificial batting play.

      • I fully expect Martha’s head to start turning 360 degrees along with projectile vomiting. In fact, what the all these Republicans need is an exorcist,they are consumed by evil, pure evil.

        • When I get a chance I’m going to buy white feather quills, trim the writing end & send to Martha’s local & DC offices. Kyrsten’s too if she also decides to betray Democracy. Not that they’ll get it but it’s worth the effort.

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