(UPDATED) Kamp Campaign Reacts to Sheridan Lies During Second Debate Between the Two Maricopa County Sheriff Candidates

Another Debate between the Democratic and Republican Nominees for Maricopa County Sheriffs Department.

More lies from MAGA Republican superstar Jerry Sheridan.

Sheridan already dug himself several holes in his first debate with Democrat Tyler Kamp when he said he may defy a federal judges orders again.

In this debate, he made the false claim that he conceded his defeat to Sheriff Paul Penzone in the 2020 elections.

He also asserted that the Democratic Nominee, Tyler Kamp, was about to go on the Brady List for being a dishonest law enforcement officer.

It should be noted that Mr. Sheridan is already on that list.

Apparently, Mr. Sheridan has never heard of rapid response.

It did not take long for the Kamp campaign to search cyber world and uncover memo describing Mr. Sheridan’s Trump-like election denying attempts to change the 2020 results.

With regard to the accusation that Mr. Kamp was going to go on the Brady List, Az Family’s Dennis Welch quickly dispelled that falsehood with a televised report yesterday.

The Kamp Campaign wasted no time posting Mr. Welch’s reporting.

Commenting on the Welch reporting, Mr. Kamp issued a press release where he stated:

“This is just another example of why Jerry Sheridan cannot be trusted as Sheriff. Someone who is willing to lie, to waste the time and resources of county officials, and who has a clear lack of respect for the intelligence of the voters, has no business leading the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office. I appreciate the MCAO’s speedy response to these erroneous claims. There is only one candidate in this race on the Brady List and that is Jerry Sheridan.”

Please click here for more articles on Mr. Sheridan that demonstrate his unfitness to lead the Maricopa County Sheriffs Department.

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