Let Freedom Sing concerts on the 4th of July at Fox Tucson Theatre



4th of July, two concerts at 3 p.m. and 7 p.m. at Fox Theatre, 17 W. Congress St.

“Presented by Arts Express for 35 years, Let Freedom Sing has delighted audiences and embraced the patriotic spirit of Southern Arizonans. Emceed by TV Anchor Guy Atchley at the Fox Tucson Theatre, the theme for Let Freedom Sing 2019 is “The Freedom Dream.” It will surely be an inspiring celebration of our nation’s birthday in song and visual artistry – uniting our diverse backgrounds and fostering a sense of community.

Under the direction of Susan Lane Stokes and Mark Gary, musical selections will include patriotic standards and all-American hits, featuring the Arts Express choir and orchestra with special guests including the Manhattan Dolls, Andrew Stuckey, Flamenco guitarist Ismael Barajas and many more! Our nation’s colors will be presented by the Davis Monthan Color Guard underscored by the beauty of a lone bagpiper from the Tucson Fire Fighters Pipe and Drum Band.

Tickets and Info: www.arts-express.org or 520-319-0400. Premium Reserved $35 per Person; Reserved Orchestra $25 Adult and $15 Student/Youth; Reserved Balcony $50 for Loveseat with Two People/Seat and General $10/Person.”

