Let’s stop the ongoing, illegal fast and furious gun running

by David Safier

The ill-conceived, poorly executed gun running operation Fast and Furious is over but for the shouting of Republicans who want to turn it into a political issue. But the ongoing problem of guns crossing the border into Mexico continues at a pace both fast and furious.

Mayors Against Illegal Guns has written a letter "Call[ing] on Congress to Oppose S.570/H.R.3814 – Protect Law Enforcement Authority to Fight Gun Trafficking by Mexican Drug Cartels." It's addressed to Harry Reid, Mitch McConnell, Nancy Pelosi and John Boehner. Here's the beginning.

As members of Mayors Against Illegal Guns, a bipartisan coalition of more than 600 mayors from across the country, we urge Congress to stand with law enforcement by opposing legislation that would prohibit the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) from monitoring large sales of assault rifles from federally licensed gun dealers at the U.S. border with Mexico. These purchases are a key indicator that straw purchasers may be buying weapons in bulk with the intention of passing them on to Mexican drug cartels.

The pending legislation (S.570/H.R.3814) would block an Obama Administration initiative requiring dealers in four states – Arizona, California, New Mexico and Texas – to report when they sell more than one assault rifle to a single buyer within five business days. Modeled on a 2009 proposal by Mayors Against Illegal Guns, the program is carefully crafted to generate useful intelligence on gun trafficking while minimizing the burden on gun dealers and law-abiding gun owners.

A "WHERE IS TUCSON'S MAYOR?" NOTE: The letter is signed by 600 mayors from around the country — 3 from Alabama, 29 from California, too many to count from Pennsylvania — and one mayor from Arizona: Mayor Sara R. Presler of Flagstaff. I understand Jonathan Rothschild is a new kid on the mayoral block, and I also know this state is pretty crazy when it comes to gun regulation, so it would take guts for him to take a public stand. But this is Tucson, Arizona's closest big city to the border, and Rothschild is a reasonably progressive guy who must deplore the way guns can end up in the hands of crazies (think Jared Loughner) and criminals with few background checks or limits on the number of purchases.

Jonathan, if you need the phone number or email for Mayors Against Illegal Guns, just say the word. I've got them.