Mayor Regina Romero, Tucson, and the RTA Take Important Steps towards Regional Collaboration

In a positive step for Tucson’s infrastructure future, the Regional Transportation Authority (RTA,) at their January 27, 2022 meeting, has agreed to expand Tucson’s representation on key committees (Technical Management and Citizen’s Accountability for Regional Transportation,) address an existing funding gap dating back to 2006, and  potentially install, based on a Maricopa Association of Government structure, proportional voting mechanisms in the future.

Tucson Mayor Regina Romero

Commenting on these changes that will aid Tucson’s infrastructure modernization and possibilities for future proportional voting in a press release, Tucson Mayor Regina Romero stated:

“Today’s vote is a positive step forward in the direction of regional collaboration. Tucsonans want fair representation in making critical decisions about our transportation future that will affect our region for decades to come. Today we made progress, although we still have much work that lies ahead.”

“I am pleased to see that we will continue exploring governance structures that provide an equitable voice to Tucsonans and return to this issue at a later time, especially considering the current political challenges of getting approval from state elected officials.”

“My colleagues on the Council, city staff, and I have been raising these funding concerns for the last four years. I am pleased to see progress on a plan that ensures the city’s remaining RTA projects are fully funded and does not place an unfair burden on city taxpayers.”

“Ensuring flexibility to meet constantly changing needs is a critical component of long-term transportation planning. I am glad that my colleagues on the RTA Board took action to address my concerns,”

This step taken today by the RTA may serve as the beginning of a new collaborative relationship with regards to infrastructure between that entity and the leading and largest city in the organization, Tucson.

01.27.22 – RTA Takes Steps to Increase City of Tucson Representation on Key Committees, Address Funding Gaps, and Ensure Flexibility

MAG Voting Structure Model


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