Meanwhile In The Handmaid’s Tale Parts of the Country

Women in parts of the country where the State Governments are creating practically Handmaid’s Tale-Theocratic-Authoritarian Systems with regards to restricting Reproductive Freedom should consider moving to other freer parts of the country after two more events were reported in the last month in Texas and Georgia thanks to Pro Publica.

The first event deals with a teenage young woman named Nevaeh Crain who died after doctors in Texas let her medical condition following a miscarriage deteriorate to the point that she died of sepsis because they feared retaliation from the Texas State Government if any potential earlier actions could be construed as aborting a viable fetus.

Those physicians and medical staff should be prosecuted for negligent homicide. At the very least, the family should launch a civil action and take them for every penny they have.

The second event occurred when the Georgia State Health Department dissolved a Maternal Mortality Review Committee because one or more of its members leaked details of the preventable deaths of two women, Amber Thurman and Candi Miller, who, like Crain, died because doctors did not give them prompt care for fear of state reprisals because both women were having difficult ends to their pregnancies thanks to that states abortion ban.

How Orwellian the leaders in Georgia are behaving.

Again, women who value their lives and reproductive lives should strongly consider leaving Handmaid’s Tale states like Texas, Georgia, and Florida where even though 57 percent of their voters supported getting rid of their restrictive abortion ban, it did not cross the 60 percent threshold to go into effect.

Major businesses in those states like Disney should also consider leaving so their female employees are not under constant threat of compromised health care.

Women will live longer that way.

This is all because of Donald Trump and what his Supreme Court picks during his first term did in overturning Roe v Wade.

Beware what they might do to women’s and minority rights in the second.

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1 thought on “Meanwhile In The Handmaid’s Tale Parts of the Country”

  1. i guess i don’t belong on this blog

    suing doctors “for all they’re worth” is not the answer
    we already have a severe shortage of gyn docs
    suing will skyrocket malpractice insurance and more docs will leave GYN practice

    what we need is RESISTANCE
    get the republicans out of women’s private parts (where they obviously like to be)
    and out of the exam room

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