Michael Moore’s “Where to Invade Next” film at Sea of Glass


FILM – Where To Invade Next by Michael Moore

Friday, July 29,  Saturday July 30, 2016;  also Friday August 5 and Saturday August 6, 2016, at@ 7:30 PM

Ticket Prices at Sea of Glass, 330 E. 7th Street, Tucson

Advance Price Day of Show Price
Regular Ticket Price $10.00 $10.00

“Just in time for election season, America’s favorite political provocateur, Michael Moore, is back with his new film, “Where To Invade Next”. Honored by festivals and critics groups alike, “Where To Invade Next”, released last February, is an expansive, hilarious, and subversive comedy in which the Academy Award®-winning director confronts the most pressing issues facing America today and finds solutions in the most unlikely places. The creator of “Fahrenheit 9/11” and “Bowling For Columbine” has returned with an epic movie that’s unlike anything he has done before—an eye-opening call to arms to capture the American Dream and restore it in, of all places, America.

In “Where To Invade Next” Moore visits various countries to examine how Europeans view work, education, health care, equality, and other issues. From cafeteria food to sex education, Moore looks at the benefits of schooling in France, Finland and Slovenia. In Italy, he marvels at how workers enjoy reasonable hours and generous vacation time. In Portugal, Moore notes the effects of the decriminalization of drugs. Through his travels, we discover just how different America is from the rest of the world.”

Buy tickets online at: http://theseaofglass.org/events/436/film-where-to-invade-next-by-michael-moore

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5 thoughts on “Michael Moore’s “Where to Invade Next” film at Sea of Glass”

  1. Thanks for all your comments, readers of Blog for Arizona. I have yet to see this movie, so I can only guess what Michael Moore has to propose about what country we should invade next. He is already predicting a Donald Trump victory in November, 2016.

  2. THIS MOVIE IS A MUST SEE. I loved it so much I bought the DVD and show it to guests. If this doesn’t shake you up in this election year, nothing will.

    Do not miss this movie screening.

    Dr. Chat

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